Monday, July 27, 2009

Benin Beginnings

So, I don't really feel like writing right'll just have to read into the pictures I posted here I guess.
The first picture was taken this morning with four of my TEFL friends (from left: Dave, Erin, Clay, and Jamie)
The other three pictures were taken on the ride through Cotonou to the Peace Corps Bureau, so sorry if they are bad quality.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My First Blog!

Today was a very long day of orientation, but it was so great to finally meet everyone! There are 56 people in my training class (including 3 married couples)!!
For anyone who wasn't aware, I actually got here last night, but there were only a few (probably 6 or 7) other people who were early arrivals like me (all west coast people). But it was still cool because I went out to a late dinner with three of the other girls in my group, so i got a nice little head start on meeting people. And apparently I was the only one out of that group who got a good night's sleep (pretty sure I got 8 hours). The four of us decided to meet up for lunch again today, and we decided to go to Maoz...only the best falafel place EVER! So that was pretty exciting. We definitely needed that good lunch before the long day we had ahead of us.
After orientation a large group of us met up in the lobby (after freshening up of course) to search for a good dinner. Since it was such a large group we ended up splitting off yet again when we actually found a dinner place, so nine of us ended up going to this very interesting bar/restaurant while the rest of the group decided to forge on for a different option. I think our group ended up with a pretty good deal though because we had a good dinner and we ended up staying there for at least three hours just eating and talking. I really enjoy my training class so far and it seems like its a pretty fun group of people!
Although tomorrow is going to be a very loooooong day of traveling I am actually kind of looking forward to it because I know it'll be a good chance to get to know people even better. I am not, however, looking forward to all of the shots I'm going to get tomorrow (including the Yellow Fever immunization, which apparently is a pretty bad one), so hopefully i don't die.
Oh, and also just so you know, I have used my natural crystal salt deoderant approximately two times and so far I think it works quite well!
Whelp, that's it for now! I have to get up super early tomorrow. The next time you hear from me I will be in BENIN!!!
Wish me luck!